Thursday, December 22, 2011

10 things to consider before developing ADF UI

I like this article from ADF EMG, and it is worth reading as and when we about to build an application.

10 things to consider before developing ADF UI

-Create a Database Design properly from Business Requirement

-Think 10 times before starting Taskflow development and make sure you have considered all point of
  handling Transaction , Scope , Fragments GUI look and Feel , Regions , Dynamic Regions etc. ,

- If you have generic business function using many EO/VO which may or may not be related then please create that method in AppModule
  which can be expose as client method and used from managed bean, taskflow , jsff and more.

- If you have business function related to MasterVO/ChildVO then please create custom method in and expose it as client method
  to be used from JSFF ,managed bean , taskflow.

- If you have common validation then please create CUSTOMVALIDATOR CLASS in java

- Write generic Error Handler for ADF Page in DataControl.cpx file

- if you have common control Hint Please create Custom Domain and Property Set

- if you have common VO/EO then please create new project for that and utilize in our ADF project as adflib.

- if you have common java script then create javascript library and use it as Resource in JSFF pages.

- Look at DoDml() , Create() , PrepareModel , validateentity() method in

- Use Groovy as much as possible in EO/VO to get rid of Client based validation

- Use Custom Links and Association to get rid of relationship based on contextual event or partial trigger.

- Try not to make your application too complex

PS:ADF EMG is a great source for get to know Best Practices, design considerations and latest happenings.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, can you give me an example of use of groovy in ADF? please? :)


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